Sunday, September 29, 2024

Lean on a Gulf Islander (play) by Leanne Dyck Act VI

 Question: Where is KJ? Why wasn't he at the terminal to pick his wife up from the ferry? 

Mystery solved...

photo by ldyck

Act VI

Stage directions: Kate centre stage.

KATE (negligee in back pocket) (walks to stage left) (calls): Kjartan... Darlene... (knocks on door)

KJ (enters the stage wearing a woman's robe) (KJ is over-the-moon happy): Hey, babe. And how are you on this wonderfully, fantastic, glorious morning?

KATE: Definitely not as good as you.

KJ: Yes, there's no way you could. Unless you've just had--.

KATE (pulls negligee out of her pocket): I found this at your house.


KATE: I found it before Aster did.

KJ: Aster? She's... (gulps)

KATE: Yes, she's on Mayne Island. I drove her home.

Look, Kjartan, you're going to have to tell her.

KJ: Darlene knows.

KATE: And Aster?

KJ (to Kate): No, I haven't told her. I know I should; I know she has a right to know. And I will tell her.

(Stage right and stage left are dark) (As KJ leaves stage right, he removes the robe) (Spotlight on KJ on centre stage)

(to audience): I'll say something like--Aster, I've met someone. I didn't want to; I didn't intend to, we were just friends but now...

(Spotlight on Aster on stage right and spotlight on KJ on centre stage)

(to audience): I loved Aster once. And I still care about her. I can't crush her. I can't...

(Walks to stage right) (Spotlight on Aster in KJ's arms): You'll grow to love it here. I promise.

(Spotlight on Kate on stage left)

KATE: She'll adjust to island life. He'll tell her about Darlene. Whatever happens between the two of them, they'll be okay. Mayne Island is a supportive, caring community. They'll be just fine.

Next Sunday...

Lean on a Gulf Islander


Question: Does Aster adjust to island life?

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Lean on a Gulf Islander

Sharing my Author Journey...

Submission season continues...

Last week, I sent 12 submissions to publishers and literary agents. I also finished working on two new picture book manuscripts.


Next week, I plan to send 9 submissions to publishers. I also hope to complete a writing project I've been working on. (If it requires more time, so be it.)


I've purchased two middle grade novels. Reading them will help me acquire and maintain a consistent tone for a new project I will start next month.

Plans... Plans... Oh, so many plans.