Sunday, September 22, 2024

Lean on a Gulf Islander by Leanne Dyck (play) Act V

 Question: What will Aster think of her new home?

Act V

Stage direction: Kate centre stage. Aster off stage.

KATE: Welcome to your new home. (Throws arms out as if embracing the cabin)

You know, your husband is a genius. He bought most of his building supplies from the thrift shop and what he didn't find there he scavenged from local contractors. This cabin stands as a fine example of island life--simple, uncomplicated. Or, I should say, how island life used to be--in the good old days. Back then people were resourceful, industrious, inventive, but now. Now, everyone wants the newest, the biggest, the best. And the more expensive things are, the more trouble you have. Things break down and then you just have to replace them.

But I'm no better than anyone else. Something catches my eye and I have to have it. (Kate finds a negligee on the floor and quickly squirrels it away in her back pocket. Negligee safely hidden, Kate looks back at Aster who is still off stage).

Come in. Come in, before the mice do.

ASTER (runs, jumps onto stage) Mice?

(Aster's pantyhose are torn, her hair is messy and she's carrying her shoes)

KATE: This is your kitchen, living room, dining room and--.

ASTER: You must be mistaken, Kathleen. This is merely a shed! A broken down, old ruin of one, at best.

KATE: Everything you'll ever need is right here.

Do you know how to cook on a wood stove?

Don't worry, Dar--. (pause) Darling, KJ will teach you. You don't mind if I call you darling, do you? I call all my friends darling.

I feel like a real estate agent. Please, step this way.

(Aster follows Kate)

KATE: This is your kitchen sink.

ASTER: Where's the bathroom.

KATE: Well, this is also your bathroom sink.

ASTER: I thought you told me it was the kitchen sink.

KATE: It is. It's both. And it's also your bathtub.

ASTER: How? I can't fit in there.

KATE: You use a facecloth.

ASTER: Where's the...the...the toilet? (winces)

KATE: We passed it on the way to the houses.

ASTER: On. The. Way. To. The. House?

KATE: Yes, it's outside.

ASTER: Behind a tree?

KATE: Don't worry. It's in a proper outhouse.

ASTER (to audience): Worry? Why would I worry?

Let me think, possibly because I'm stuck in this...this...whatever this is.

KATE: Well, I hope you enjoyed your tour.

ASTER (to the audience): Enjoyed? But it can't be over. That can't be it. There's no espresso machine, TV, microwave, walk-in closet. There's no bed. Where am I supposed to sleep? Do I curl up in a corner like a mouse? It wouldn't surprise me. But there's no corner big enough. Do I hang from the ceiling like a bat? (looks up) There's no hook.

(to Kate): Where's the bed?

KATE: Oh, yeah. The bed. Huh?

ASTER (to audience): If she doesn't know where the bed is, then she doesn't know everything about this place. There could be more. There could be a secret passageway leading to--to--an espresso machine, a microwave, a walk-in closet--. An--an--underground palace.

KATE (steps back a few feet to stand in front of the stage curtain): I don't know what's behind this curtain. 

ASTER (to audience): The passageway.

(rushes to the curtain and pulls it open)

(to audience) And it leads to... (looks)

(to audience) A tiny room filled with a bed, surrounded by books.

(collapses into a chair, head in hands)

Next Sunday...

Lean on a Gulf Islander

Act VI

Question: Where is KJ?


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Lean on a Gulf Islander

Mayne Island library

photo by ldyck

Author Reading...

Rob Butler

reads from his newly (March 2024) released book

Letters from Gerald

at the

Mayne Island Library

1:30 pm

Sunday, September 29

Sharing my Author Journey...

This week I... 

sent 26 submissions away (Wow!)

finished working on the new project (Hurray!)

gave this blog some much-needed TLC (Thank goodness)

Next week I hope to...

give this blog even more TLC as I continue to plan what I will offer you in October (I created this blog--back then, under the name "Sweater Curse"--on October 10, 2010)

do more reading (I've been feeling drained lately and usually that means I haven't been feeding my muse enough--more reading required)