photo ldyck
Other People's Memories
One of my summer jobs during High School was as a tour guide at the Eriksdale Museum. I enjoyed losing myself in other people's memories.
Maybe locals came in but I don't remember them. Tourists were the ones who stood out. They wanted to learn about us and the museum was their introduction. Most traveled from other parts of Manitoba or Canada or even from the United States. A man came from England. He impressed me by using four place names in his address. And I remember a woman. I'll always remember her.
I greeted her with a smile. "Hello, I'm Leanne Willetts."
And she said, "Willetts? Your grandfather, Mr. J.H. Willetts, owned a Red and White store. He sold groceries, dry goods, and cattle feed.
"The depression was hard on farmers like my dad. He needed feed for our cows, but he didn't have any money. Those cows were the only things keeping the wolf from our door. So, he swallowed his pride and asked your grandfather to loan him the feed.
"Mr. Willetts was a businessman. He needed to make money--his family needed to eat. But you know what your grandfather did?" Her eyes were wet with tears as she told me, "He gave my dad the feed--gave it to him."
Yes, I'll always remember her.
When I worked as a tour guide, the museum was housed in the old Anglican church.
I was hired to fill the position of tour guide by Lucy Lindell--she had worked for my grandfather in his store.
photo ldyck
I love museums. Some of my favourites are...
the Vikings in Newfoundland
Toronto's Castle
I visited L'Anse aux Meadows and Casa Loma in the 1980s when I was a Katimavik volunteer.
I visited L'Anse aux Meadows and Casa Loma in the 1980s when I was a Katimavik volunteer.
in Winnipeg
I volunteered at the Manitoba Museum in the 1990s--before moving to BC.
I volunteered at the Manitoba Museum in the 1990s--before moving to BC.
in Hofsos, Iceland
While visiting relatives in Iceland, I toured The Icelandic Emigration Centre--and lived close by, heaven.
While visiting relatives in Iceland, I toured The Icelandic Emigration Centre--and lived close by, heaven.