Sunday, September 8, 2024

Lean on a Gulf Islander (play) by Leanne Dyck Act III

 Question: Will KJ be waiting at the dock?

photo by ldyck


Stage directions: Aster and Kate are seated in two chairs centre stage. Kate holds a cardboard steering wheel.

ASTER: You look strangely familiar.

KATE: I work at the ferry terminal

ASTER: Do you reside on Mayne Island? 

KATE: Yeah.

ASTER: Do you enjoy living here?

KATE: I won't live anywhere else.

ASTER: Pray tell, what are this island's positive features?

KATE: I like the peace and quiet; the ocean; the sunsets and the people.

Do you know that after every performance at the Ag Hall, we all help put the chairs away? It doesn't matter who we are or were. We all help.

ASTER (to audience): She likes to live here because she gets to put chairs away. How utterly ridiculous.

(to Kate): How long have you... Have you existed here?

KATE: Ten years.

ASTER: Ten...years... Oh, you poor... (trails off) My husband must have been unavoidably detained.

KATE: That's island time. Where would you like to go?

ASTER (brushes lap, adjusts purse) Go?

KATE: The address?

ASTER (to audience): I always regarded that information as extraneous.

KATE: Don't worry. We'll find--.

ASTER (interrupting): Please take me to Professor KJ Walburn's residence.


ASTER: Yes, he's a landowner; he's building a house.

KATE: Oh, you mean Kjartan.

ASTER: My husband's name is Professor KJ Walburn. 

We've been happily married for twenty years.

KATE (to the audience): Happily? One of them definitely more than the other.

(to Aster): Congratulations! That's great especially when...when... Don't worry I know where he lives.

ASTER: How do you know the location of my husband's estate?

KATE: I... We... My husband and I are friends of KJ and...and... we like him very much. They've--. He's had us over for supper occasionally and we've had him over, as well.

ASTER: You expect me to believe that KJ cooked for you?

KATE: Oh, yes.

ASTER: Performing domestic chores, such as cooking, is not a skill KJ possesses.

KATE: Mayne Island has a way of changing people.

ASTER: Well isn't that fascinating, um... And your name is?

KATE: Kate.

ASTER: Kate? That's a nickname. What's your given name? Or is it unpronounceable?

KATE: Kathleen.

ASTER: Kathleen, that's lovely. Why would you hide it behind something as plain as Kate? Kathleen is your name and Kathleen is what I shall call you.

Please to meet you, Kathleen. My name is Aster. 

Please tell me, Kathleen, how did you make my husband's acquaintance?

Next Sunday:

Lean on a Gulf Island

Act IV

How did Kate meet KJ?

Follow me...

to ensure that you don't miss an Act 


Lean on a Gulf Islander

Book Launch...

"Mayne Island, a Vernacular Past"

Jeremy Borsos

Thursday, September 12 

7 - 9 PM

Mayne Island Church House

Mayne Island, BC

The gruesome details...

photo by ldyck

Sunday, September 1, 2024

Lean on a Gulf Islander (play) by Leanne Dyck Act II

 Question: Why doesn't KJ want Aster to visit him on Mayne Island? What is he trying to hide?

photo by ldyck

Act II

Stage direction: Aster centre stage sitting on a chair

Ferry siren sounds

Voice over: This ferry sails to the Southern Gulf Islands, only.

ASTER: Do I have my sunglasses? Did I bring my chequebook? (searches purse)

(quickly stands and starts to pace) What will happen if I get off at the wrong island? How will I get back to Mayne Island? I don't know anyone on any of those other islands. I could be kidnapped and left for dead on some other island and on some other island, and no one would care.

(stage lights begin to fade)

Calm down (sits) Just calm down. Everything will be fine. KJ will be so happy to see me. He'll run to me, arms open--wanting--no, demanding a hug. I'll be a little embarrassed by this public show of affection. But I could never deny him anything. So we'll hug.

He'll say, "I love you."

And I'll whisper, "I love you too."

But we'll wait until we reach the truck to kiss. Then he'll drive us home. The house will be different from our townhouse obviously. But it will be charming and it will overlook the sea.

Voice over: We are now arriving at Village Bay, Mayne Island--transfer point for Saturna Island. Disembarking passengers, please make your way to the car deck.

Next Sunday

Sunday, August 25, 2024

Lean on a Gulf Islander (play) by Leanne Dyck Act I

is about living on a remote island.

"Easing into Autumn"

photo by ldyck


Act 1

Stage directions: KJ and Aster stand on the opposite sides of the stage. They each hold a cell phone.

ASTER: You've been on that island so long? Help me understand why you are drawn to remain there.

KJ: I told you it offers the peace and quiet I need to conduct my research. Look, if you've phoned to complain I'm hanging up right now. Click.

ASTER: No, wait, KJ, I need you. Something horrible has happened.

KJ: What is it? (waits for her to continue) How can I help you if you don't tell me what happened?

ASTER: I've been forced to take early retirement.

KJ: You've been what?

ASTER: I've been fired, okay? I've been fired. Oh, please, don't make me elaborate further on the phone.

KJ: No, of course not.

ASTER: Dismissal from my teaching position was in no way my fault. I was forced to act to save my student. Everyone had shirked their responsibility--his former teachers, his parents, everyone--so it fell on me. He would have become a hoodlum if I didn't bring discipline. But instead of praise...they...they... And now every time I step out of our house there they are judging me. I simply can't stay here one second longer.

KJ: You could join me on Mayne Island but I'm sure you won't. You've made that clear so many times. What is it you say, it'll be a cold day in...

ASTER: (interrupting) Oh, I was hoping you'd suggest that.

KJ (lowers the phone to his foot, stomps)

ASTER: What was that?

KJ: Oh, nothing. A spider hit the floor.

ASTER: They're--

KJ: (interrupting) Big? About the size of my hand. But that's small compared to slugs. I saw one yesterday that was as long as my arm. But they just leave a slimy trail. They're not vicious.

ASTER: Well, that's g--.

KJ: (interrupting) Now raccoons, they're nasty. But you'll soon learn not to go out at night. And you'll get used to the isolation.

ASTER: But the ferry--

KJ: (interrupting) When it runs; if there's room.

ASTER: Will take me to the island this coming Thursday.

KJ: I'll be there to pick you up.

ASTER: See you soon. I love you.

KJ: Right. Same.

(they both hang up)

KJ (leans back in a chair, looks relieved) (to audience): She'll never come to the island.

ASTER (drops shoulders, looks depressed) (to audience): I can't stay here. Eyes, everywhere, judging me.

Next Sunday...

Lean on a Gulf Islander

Act II

Why doesn't KJ want Aster to visit him on Mayne Island?

Follow me...

to ensure that you don't miss an Act I

Sunday, August 18, 2024

Writing a Play by Leanne Dyck

How, why, when and where I wrote a play--including writing tips.

photo by ldyck

Writing a Play

In 2014, Mayne Island Little Theatre invited submissions of short plays with an island theme.

I knew I would accept this opportunity to support my favourite theatre group and to flex my writing muscles but…

-I’d never written a play before

-What would I write?

-Could I finish writing my play in time to meet the submission deadline? It was only a few weeks away.

-I was working on so many writing projects could I add one more?

As I searched for answers, I kept returning to my newly finished novella. It had strong dialogue and action. Inspired, I set to work transforming the novella into a short play.

One of the scenes was set on a ferry and another in a car. I gnawed on that for a while. Building a set wasn’t an option. However, two chairs could become a car and three could be a ferry.

One of the characters needed to share internal dialogue with the audience. A friend suggested the use of gestures and facial expressions. That would help but it wasn’t enough. A solution was found when I learned about the theatrical device known as an aside.

My pen flew and soon I’d adapted part of the novella for the stage.

Seeking feedback, I shared my play with my writing group. As other members were also working on plays, we decided to workshop them. My play was further strengthened when I requested my husband's feedback. Revisions followed and then I submitted my play. Waiting to hear if my play had been selected was stressful, but on one seemingly ordinary day, I received an email congratulating me. My play had won its spot on stage.

Some playwrights are adamant that the actors speak the words they’ve written. However valid, this wasn’t my approach. With my encouragement, the actors suggested dialogue changes and I happily made revisions. In fact, working together, we added a sixth scene.

What I learned about playwriting

-Fall in love with the story

-Vital ingredients: strong dialogue and action

-An aside and a soliloquy are excellent ways to convey a character’s thoughts on stage. 

-Once the play is written it is extremely helpful to gather feedback.

-A playwright writes a play. A director interprets this play for the actors. Actors breathe life into the characters. And so, my play becomes our play and then their play. I’m glad I had the foresight to realize this eventuality as I was able to prepare myself for the roller coaster of emotions that came with the transitions. 

During this approximately two-hour event, readings by the authors were interspersed between a series of questions. These are some of the answers that I heard...

Read archives to absorb the language of the time

There's someone out there right now who needs your words.

Write for yourself first; share it; if it connects with others great.

I write to honour the "more than human" (everything that isn't human)

If you have to deal with annoying people, tell yourself you're doing research for your next book.

When someone says something cool write it down and steal it for your next book.

It's not the idea. It's what you do with it. Any idea can be pursued.

You have to be ready for the idea and the idea has to be ready for you.

The hardest thing about writing is the business of writing.

Next Sunday

Sunday, August 11, 2024

Learning to Walk (short memoir) by Leanne Dyck

 When did you learn to walk?

I remember that day so clearly but... Is this my memory or my mom's?

May 1963
The day I learned to walk.

Learning to Walk

    "You were eighteen months old when you learned to walk."

    "Mom, that's so late. Most babies learn to walk around their first birthday. Weren't you concerned that there was something wr--?"

    "Oh, you could walk if you held our hands or the furniture. You just weren't brave enough to let go. But the day you turned eighteen months, your brothers were determined you would learn. They set up four stacking stools, end to end, down the centre of the living and left a gap between the last stool and the sofa. One of your brothers--I can't remember which one, it doesn't matter--held your hands and guided you to the first stool in the row. You grabbed hold and he joined the rest of us on the sofa. 

"With our encouragement, you started on your way--walking the length of the stool and grabbing for the next. Stool after stool until you walked the length of the last stool. You stood there facing us.

"And when you finally let go and walked... Well, such cheering. I'm sure they heard us one town over.

"I always knew you would walk. You just needed a reason. Your brothers, they gave you that reason."

Learning to Stand
Leanne Dyck

Before I could crawl,
I never dreamed I could walk

People carried me and
I was content in their arms

A few minutes ago I was in the Mayne Island library listening to a panel of writers discussing writing. I took notes and look forward to sharing them with you in the near future. 

Next Sunday...

Sunday, August 4, 2024

Publish Me (short story) by Leanne Dyck

photo by ldyck

Have you ever felt like this?

Publish Me

We authors meet in small groups to whisper and giggle about all the handsome publishers.

Some of us are captivated by small-town charm. These publishers don't have much money but treat their authors well. You can tell, even from a distance, that there's a real love there.

Everyone notices when he walks into the room. We all smile wider. Some of us are even brave enough to wave. He calls these authors over. "Do you have something you would like me to read?"

I see the author blush as she slips her manuscript to him. I see the hope in her eyes.

I have hope too. So when he calls me over, I give him my best manuscript. I've been saving it for him. I feel proud--like a real author when he flips from page to page. Halfway through my manuscript, he stops reading and looks at me with a twinkle in his eye, "You've got talent."

I feel his words wrap around me like a hug. 

"Come back when you're more experienced." He hands back my manuscript.

Later, I see him, his arm draped over his newest author, and I try not to cry. Will my writing ever be pretty enough?

Where all the cool kids are going...


Writers on Mayne Island Panel Discussion

Sunday, August 11 at 2 pm

Mayne Island Library

Mayne Island, BC, Canada

Featuring Faye Roth, Danielle R. Graham, Pam Withers, 

Amy Reiswig, Lee Beavington & Eden Buday

Pre-registration encouraged


Next Sunday...

Learning to Walk (short story)

about the day I learned to walk


Sunday, July 28, 2024

Book Review: Stones by William Bell (YA, mystery)

 Set in present-day Orillia, Ontario, Stones explores the tragedy surrounding the Oro Township's African Methodist Church through the eyes of Garnet Havelock and Raphaella Skye--two white high school students. 

Stones asks: What do you do when confronted by beliefs contrary to yours?

William Bell

Seal Books

an imprint of Random House of Canada

Young Adult, mystery


276 pages

CLA Young Adult Book of the Year

Garnet meets Raphaella in grade eleven when they are asked to debate the topic "that love at first sight is a hoax." (p. 18) He is pro; she is con. Garnet confesses that "[e]ven before she finished talking, I had fallen in love with her." (p. 28) Garnet believes "in logic, reason, science, hard fact." (p. 20) Raphaella introduces him to a new way of knowing. 

There is so much in Stones to love. For example, strong women unafraid to take risks and stand up for their beliefs. And Garnet. Garnet emotes feelings--fear and love--that men typically run from expressing. 

This book is so captivating that it is as if it read itself while I sat and listened. I started reading Stones on Canada Day (July 1) and finished a mere ten days later. An unheard-of rate for this slow reader.

"the real question [...] isn't Who's right [...]? It's What is Knowledge?" (p. 220)

Next Sunday...

Sunday, July 21, 2024

Jump by Leanne Dyck (children's story)

 This story was inspired by a childhood memory and is about risky play.

"Risky play is defined by thrilling and exciting forms of free play that involve uncertainty of outcome and a possibility of physical injury."

Canadian Paediatric Society

Posted on January 25, 2024 

"Dr. Suzanne Beno co-authors a position statement from the Canadian Paediatric Society on the importance of risky outdoor play for physical, mental and social health...

Physically, it increases activity levels and reduces sedentary time, contributing to lifelong physical literacy and possibly enhancing the immune system. Mentally, it supports resilience, problem-solving and conflict resolution while socially, it fosters cooperation, communication and a sense of belonging." 


Posted on February 9, 2024

photo by ldyck


Leanne put her soup bowl in the sink and looked out the window. She watched a blue car park in front of her house. "They're here," she called down the hall.

Leanne didn't wait for her mom to come out of the bathroom. She ran to the door. She ran outside. She ran down the stairs and down the sidewalk. She ran past her aunt's car. "Hi, Aunty," she called. She ran past her cousin Jeff. "I'll beat you to the playhouse," she called. Leanne kept running but Jeff's legs were longer. He ran past Leanne and he got to the playhouse first.


Leanne walked across the dirt floor to the shelves full of toys. "Want to play—."

Leanne's next-door neighbours Sally and her little brother Mitchell walked into the playhouse.

“Dolls,” Sally said. “I want to play dolls.”

Mitchell and Jeff looked like they had smelled something rotten.

"Boys don't play with dolls," Jeff said.

The boys ran outside.

Sally pulled a doll off the shelf. Arabella had soft, yellow hair and eyes that opened and closed. She wore a green velvet dress with big glass buttons and lace at the neck, cuffs and hem.

Gerdie waited on the shelf for Leanne. Her eyes didn't close and her black hair was scratchy. She wore a dress of stiff denim that tied closed.

"It's snack time," Sally said. The baby bottle really looked like there was milk inside.

Leanne pretended to pour baby food into a bowl. She started to feed Gerdie but Sally said, "No, she doesn't like peas." She grabbed the bowl and threw the peas on the floor. "I'll make you some yummy porridge," she told Gerdie. "Here." She handed the bowl back to Leanne. "She'll eat this. But remember, don't feed her too much. You don't want her to get a sore tummy."

Leanne gave Gerdie three spoonfuls of porridge.

"That's enough," Sally said. "It's nap time." She wrapped Arabella in a soft pink blanket and put her in the crib.

Leanne wrapped Gerdie in a yellow blanket and brought her to the crib. But Sally said, "No, there's not enough room."

Sally rocked Arabella in the crib until... "Shh, my baby is asleep."

Leanne rocked Gerdie back and forth in her arms. She thought Gerdie was asleep too, but Sally said, “She’s crying so loud she’ll wake up my baby.”

Thud. Thud. Thud. It sounded like a moose was galloping across the roof.

“Wa-a-a.” Sally picked up Arabella. “Boys!” She marched outside.

Leanne tossed Gerdie onto the shelve and ran outside.


“Caw. Caw. Caw.” Mitchell fell out of the sky right in front of Leanne. He stayed curled up on the ground.

“Are you okay?” Sally asked her little brother. “Because if you’re not okay, I’m going to tell Mom and then you really won’t be okay.”

Mitchell leapt off the grass like a grasshopper. “I’m fine. That was so much fun. I’m going to do it again.” He limped over to the tree that stood beside the playhouse.

Jeff jumped off the roof. “Superman!” He nearly touched the clouds.

Leanne thought flying looked fun.

Jeff landed with a thud. He stood up. "That was so much fun." He looked at Leanne and then at Sally. “Do you want to try?”

“No! That’s a boy’s game.” Sally held out Arabella. “You woke her up and now I have to rock her to sleep, all over again.” She marched to the playhouse. “Well, come on, Leanne.”

But Leanne said, “No, I want to fly.”

“Fine, break your—.”

“I knew you would. You're going to have fun. You’ll see,” Jeff said.

Mitchell stood right in front of Leanne so she couldn’t get to the tree. “Girls can’t climb trees.”

“Some girls can’t, but Leanne can.” Jeff helped Mitchell get to the first branch.

Leanne balanced on her tiptoes, grabbed hold and scrambled up, from branch to branch until she reached the roof.


Leanne stood beside Mitchell looking down. Things looked so different up there. The ground was so far away.

“Watch me.” Mitchell ran and jumped. “Caw. Caw. Caw.” He came crashing down onto the ground.

Leanne’s stomach felt heavy. She sat down and wrapped her fingers around two shingles that stood up from the roof.

Jeff climbed up and sat down beside her. “Come on, it’s your turn. You’re no sissy. You’re as brave as any boy.”

Leanne said, “You’re right. I am brave, but I’m also smart. And I know what could happen. I know I could get hurt.” She gulped. “Mom!” She called.

“No, don’t. We’ll get in trouble.”

Leanne didn’t care. All she wanted was off that roof. “Mom!”

Jeff and Mitchell ran to Mitchell's house.

“I told you that was a stupid boys’ game.” Sally stood on the ground looking up at Leanne. “And now you’re stuck, aren’t you?”

Leanne tried not to cry.  “Sally, can you please go get my mom.”

“Maybe I will and maybe I won’t.” Sally slowly walked away.


Leanne couldn't move. All she did was sit. She was stuck up high on that roof.

The ground was too far away. If she jumped she knew she would get hurt. She’d break an arm or a leg.

Would Sally get her mom? What if her mom didn’t come? What if it started to rain? What if it got really dark? What if she got hungry? What if…

Leanne needed to get down, but her fingers wrapped tighter around the shingles.

“You have to get down by yourself.” That was Sally’s voice. She’d come back.

“But I can’t.” Tears ran down Leanne's face. She wiped them away with her hand.

“You climbed up and now you can climb down,” Sally said. “Come over to the tree.”

Leanne didn’t move.

“It’s easier to climb down than up,” Sally said. “It’s called gravity.”

Leanne let go of the shingles. Then she knelt. Then she stood.

“See I told you you could do it. Now all you have to do is walk over to the tree.”

“But I’m so scared.”

“Everyone gets scared,” Sally said, “even Moms. All you have to do is try to be more brave than you are scared.”

“I’ll try.” Leanne walked over to the tree. She reached for—. “The tree is way, way too far away.”

“I’d get you myself, but I don’t know how to climb a tree.”

“You don’t? But you know everything.”

Sally grinned. “Maybe. But I can’t climb a tree.”

“It’s easy.”

“Show me.”

"All you do is get down your tummy and push your legs out until your foot is on a branch and then you..." Leanne showed Sally how to climb a tree. She went from one branch to another branch to another until she stood on the ground.


Reading Guide

Is the playhouse a fun place to play?

Does flying look like a fun game?

Why do you think Leanne wants to fly?

What would you do if a friend tried to get you to do something dangerous?

Do you think girls can be brave?

Do you think boys can be smart?

Who was the smartest person in this story? Who was the bravest?

Do you think Jeff is a good friend to Leanne? How?

Do you think Sally is a good friend to Leanne? How?

Why do you think Sally didn’t go get Leanne’s mom?

What do you think Leanne should say to Sally?

Do you think the boys should get into trouble for jumping off the roof of the playhouse?

Next Sunday...

Sunday, July 14, 2024

Harry, the spider by Leanne Dyck (children's story)

Last week, I woke up with a memory of working in a daycare centre--specifically, telling a group of children a story I created on the spot. This memory inspired me to write... 

photo by ldyck

Harry the Spider

Stop! Don't step here. You'll squish me.

Eek! Sorry, it's just that you look so scary.

I know, I'll close my eyes. 

I'll open them very slowly. First one eye, then another and another and another and another and another and another and another. Spiders like me have eight eyes. There that helped a little. Except... Not much. All I can see are your big scary feet.

I have an idea, I'll climb this wall. There that's better. Now I can see your eyes. It's so sad that you only have two. There's so much to see. You must miss a lot with only two eyes.

What do you call that round thing in the middle of your face?

A nose...? That's a silly word. Nose. Hee. Hee.

I know, I'll keep climbing up, up, up, all the way to the ceiling. Now I feel better. You look much smaller from way up here. Climbing walls and ceilings is a lot of fun and it's not that hard. Maybe if you practice you'll be able to. Oh, sorry, I guess not. If you had eight legs like me you'd be able to climb a lot better.

My name is Harry but most people just call me a wolf spider. But that's a silly name because I don't look like a wolf. 

Not all spiders are as nice as me. Some would bite you and some of those bites really, really sting. But I promise I won't bite you.

A lot of people are scared of spiders. I think they're scared of me because I'm so big. But being big isn't my fault. 

If they got to know me they'd like me. I'm a lot more useful than dogs or cats or even fish. 

Like... Like... Do you like flies?

No, I didn't think so. They're really annoying with all their buzzing. A buzz-buzz here and a buzz-buzz there. And... And they walk all over your food spreading germs that can make you sick.

But I can stop them from buzzing. I hide behind furniture or in planters or in the closet. Then when a fly comes buzzing by, I jump out, and before they know it they're a wolf-spider smoothie. No more buzzing. No more germs.

It was fun talking with you. And please rememberbe careful where you walk. 

photo by ldyck

Next Sunday...