Sunday, September 8, 2024

Lean on a Gulf Islander (play) by Leanne Dyck Act III

 Question: Will KJ be waiting at the dock?

photo by ldyck


Stage directions: Aster and Kate are seated in two chairs centre stage. Kate holds a cardboard steering wheel.

ASTER: You look strangely familiar.

KATE: I work at the ferry terminal

ASTER: Do you reside on Mayne Island? 

KATE: Yeah.

ASTER: Do you enjoy living here?

KATE: I won't live anywhere else.

ASTER: Pray tell, what are this island's positive features?

KATE: I like the peace and quiet; the ocean; the sunsets and the people.

Do you know that after every performance at the Ag Hall, we all help put the chairs away? It doesn't matter who we are or were. We all help.

ASTER (to audience): She likes to live here because she gets to put chairs away. How utterly ridiculous.

(to Kate): How long have you... Have you existed here?

KATE: Ten years.

ASTER: Ten...years... Oh, you poor... (trails off) My husband must have been unavoidably detained.

KATE: That's island time. Where would you like to go?

ASTER (brushes lap, adjusts purse) Go?

KATE: The address?

ASTER (to audience): I always regarded that information as extraneous.

KATE: Don't worry. We'll find--.

ASTER (interrupting): Please take me to Professor KJ Walburn's residence.


ASTER: Yes, he's a landowner; he's building a house.

KATE: Oh, you mean Kjartan.

ASTER: My husband's name is Professor KJ Walburn. 

We've been happily married for twenty years.

KATE (to the audience): Happily? One of them definitely more than the other.

(to Aster): Congratulations! That's great especially when...when... Don't worry I know where he lives.

ASTER: How do you know the location of my husband's estate?

KATE: I... We... My husband and I are friends of KJ and...and... we like him very much. They've--. He's had us over for supper occasionally and we've had him over, as well.

ASTER: You expect me to believe that KJ cooked for you?

KATE: Oh, yes.

ASTER: Performing domestic chores, such as cooking, is not a skill KJ possesses.

KATE: Mayne Island has a way of changing people.

ASTER: Well isn't that fascinating, um... And your name is?

KATE: Kate.

ASTER: Kate? That's a nickname. What's your given name? Or is it unpronounceable?

KATE: Kathleen.

ASTER: Kathleen, that's lovely. Why would you hide it behind something as plain as Kate? Kathleen is your name and Kathleen is what I shall call you.

Please to meet you, Kathleen. My name is Aster. 

Please tell me, Kathleen, how did you make my husband's acquaintance?

Next Sunday:

Lean on a Gulf Island

Act IV

How did Kate meet KJ?

Follow me...

to ensure that you don't miss an Act 


Lean on a Gulf Islander

Book Launch...

"Mayne Island, a Vernacular Past"

Jeremy Borsos

Thursday, September 12 

7 - 9 PM

Mayne Island Church House

Mayne Island, BC

The gruesome details...

photo by ldyck

It's submission season. Since August 12, I've been busy sending manuscripts to literary agents and publishers--42 in August and six in September. (And I've been working on completing a writing project.) Next week I'll send five more. (And I'll start a new writing project.)

photo by ldyck

Abby has had a challenging week. She returned from the vet minus one fatty lump. However, the good news is that she also received a clean bill of health. So other than atheist in her hips Abby is in tip-top shape. We should all be that healthy at (10 dog years--is that still a thing?--equals) 70 years of age.