photo by Leanne Dyck
How do we build this supportive community?
During Word Vancouver, I attended
Getting Started and Staying Motivated as a Published Children's Book Author with panelists D.R. Graham, Janet M. Whyte, Mark David Smith and Aleesah Darlison
Establishing and Growing Your Digitial Footprint with Trevor Battye and Suzanne Norman
Here's what I heard...
Before being published...
-join professional organizations
-build your social network. Be active on 2 to 4 social media platforms. There are many to choose from. Pick what works for you.
-immerse yourself in your chosen genre and in the publishing world
After being published...
-with regards to social media, follow who your publisher is following
-create an author bio on Amazon and Goodreads
Some writers balk at being on social media. They view it as wasting time. They insist that their time is better spent working on their writing. But discoverability is the biggest problem in publishing, today. And your (potential) readers spend1 in every 5 minutes online. Readers want to connect directly with authors. Online is the new word of mouth. The best way to start is to build
an author web site that has your own domain (for example, Build a website even if the only thing on there is your blog. But don't build a blog and forget about it. Anything you do online should be consistent.
Rules for blogging
-link, tag, acknowledge (acknowledge comments, etc.)
-minimal wordage posts
-site quotes
-keep information accessible
-use images
-engage with your followers
Hierarchy of fan involvement
-connect with you through social media
-read your blog
-subscribe to your e-newsletter
-attend your events
-buy your books
More info: Kevin Kelly and 1000 true fans
If you've heard it once, you've heard it a thousand times it's getting harder and harder to attract a publisher.
You've got a great book that you know readers want. What do you do?
Crowdfunding, is one way.
Wikipedia defines crowdfunding as 'the practice of funding a project or venture by raising monetary contributions from a large number of people, typically via the internet.'
Through crowdfunding you can...
-demonstrate that you have an audience for your book
-pre-sell your book
-self-publish your book
Examples: Seth Godin raised over 280,000 dollars before writing the book.
How to Create A Kick Ass Crowdfunding Campaign and Make Your Dreams Come True
You can build a supportive online community. But it requires time and a consistent effort.
I know it works because, due to a consistent effort, I have been able to build a community of over 5,000 followers (on Google+, Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn). If this "Luddite" can do it, you can too.
Photo by Leanne Dyck
Sharing my author journey...
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