Sunday, October 10, 2021

Book Review: The Hitch-Hikers Guide to the Galaxy (Sci fi, humour) by Douglas Adams

 Arthur Dent is living in a non-descript house overlooking the peaceful English countryside but...but then his world explodes--literally. Yes, The Hitch-Hikers Guide to the Galaxy is a comedy. It offers a chuckle a page. All you have to do is find the funny bites.

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Published by Pan Books

an imprint of Macmillan Publishers

Published in 1976

159 pages

Arthur Dent is blissfully unaware of... Well, a lot of things, actually. One of the biggest things is that his best friend Ford Prefect though pretending to be an out-of-work actor is, in fact, an alien--like from another planet. As it turns out, that's a good thing because when the earth explodes Ford being from another planet can "save" Arthur. 

What does it all mean?

Here's a guess: The Hitch-Hikers Guide to the Galaxy is about the encroachment of technology into our everyday lives. 

When Douglas Adams wrote this book, in the 1970s, there were no social media. No cell phone. Heck, there weren't even personal computers. Hard to believe but true. Can we imagine our lives without the World Wide Web only fifty years later? Sometimes it's nice to try.

'"What's so unpleasant about being drunk?"

"You ask a glass of water."' (p.49) 

I met Arthur Dent when I was 21. I could relate to Arthur. My world, like his, had just exploded. (After coming home from participating in a nine-month youth group, I enrolled in university.) 

After reading and loving Douglas Adams' books, I lent them to a friend and... and... The friend refused to give them back. In his defense--. Sorry, no, there's no defence for this crime. 

Thankfully, my boyfriend, now husband, had the books. Did I marry him so I could re-read the series? 


Next year my husband and I will celebrate our 30th anniversary. And I just re-read the first book in the series. So, no. I married him for love, not books. 

(in Manon's garden)

 On this blog in October

Wednesday, October 13
Podcast Author Reading
Basket Weaving (short story) by Leanne Dyck

Sunday, October 17
Short Story
Dream (romance) by Leanne Dyck

Wednesday, October 20
Podcast Author Reading
Jaron Cardw, Author (short story) by Leanne Dyck

Sunday, October 24
Book Review
The Almost Wife (thriller)
by Gail Anderson-Dargatz

Wednesday, October 27
Podcast Author Reading
My Knitting Haven (short story) by Leanne Dyck

Sunday, October 31
Short Story
Eyes by Leanne Dyck

Sharing my author journey...

Congratulations our blog is eleven years old. I write "our" and I mean "our". I firmly believe
that his blog wouldn't exist without the two of us, dear reader. It needs both writer and reader.

Thanks to your support, I enter this year of blogging with newfound confidence and focus. 

Once upon a time, I wanted someone to publish me--anyone. 

Now I know the publishing house I want to work with and I'm prepared to move heaven and earth to make that happen.

When this blog was young I met a blogger who had a million-page-view blog. I was in awe.

If someone had told me, back then, that this blog has the potential to become a million-page-view blog I would have thought that they were either being very kind or were deluded. Regardless of their intention, I won't have believed them. However, we are mere days away from achieving 800,000 page views. A mere 200,000 page views away from the world-shattering goal. Next year one million.

I'm beginning to believe that with your support anything is possible. 

I look forward to spending another year with you.