Monday, October 10, 2011

Finishing a cardigan

Written on February 12, 2015:  My knitter friends are finding my old knitting posts. So it must be time for an update. I gave in to my itch to knit just before Christmas. I started turning out presents -- left, right and centre. I made three scarves, four hats and a baby sweater. All was good. No wrist pain. So I pulled out two unfinished projects. Two cardigans, knit much the same this one is. Well, this turned out to be a big mistake. I made headway on both, but at the expense of my wrists. So I've had to shelf the cardigans, once again. Once upon a time, I could finish a new sweater about every third week. I was knitting crazy. A word to the wise: use caution, control this impulse. 

Cool blog title, eh? I was pretty stoked about it. A nice new cardigan just in time for Thanksgiving. Um, yeah, that's what I thought until things weren't horribly wrong.
 the front
 the back
 the sleeve (I do have two)
 Unsuspecting, I attached the sleeve to the body and that's when I found.
 the problem--the front is approximately two inches shorter than the back.
the solutions--I ripped out the front and put it back on the needles. My cardigan may be ready for Thanksgiving--the one in November.
As I ripped out the stitches I thought, Yet another reason why I'm glad I'm now an author and not a knitwear designer--you can argue with words but not with numbers.
Next post:  focus on Maynely A Mystery