-How do you define art?
-How do you define craft?
-In your eyes, does one have more value than the other?
-How does society view art?
-How does society view craft?
-Is there art in craft, craft in art? If not, why not? Please explain.
Craft: I grew up in rural Manitoba. There, crafters surrounded me. In my grandma's home braided rugs lay at the front door and a crocheted afghan covered the sofa. My aunts sewed their children's clothes. My mom knit mittens, scarves and sweaters. When I was old enough I joined 4-H and was schooled in handicrafts.
Art: As a child, I never saw adults painting pictures or modeling with clay. These were activities for children in kindergarten.
In 1999 I moved to an island off Canada's west coast. Here, visual artists, musicians and wordsmiths fill my life. In the beginning, I revered them. Now I'm among the artists' rank. I eat, I breathe, I write. Still, I continue to wrestle with art, with craft.
On this blog, neurodivergent (dyslexic) author Leanne (Willetts) Dyck ("dihck") publishes her short play--Lean on a Gulf Islander--about remote island life. She is writing (picture books and young middle grade novels) for children, (memoirs and upmarket fiction) for adults, and knitting pattern books for children and adults. Thank you for visiting and sharing this blog. Your support is greatly appreciated.