Note: The photo and photography featured in this post were created by Terrill Welch.
Terrill writes: Leanne Dyck's soon-to-be-published thriller The Sweater Curse twists and turns as it knits a fine yarn for an artist's creativity. Her new work has me asking a few questions. What is an artist's community? How do we know if we are part of one? What is a curse? What might be a blessing within a curse? Where do we find our choice, our point of action be it a curse or a blessing?
I know I am part of an artists community because other creative beings come by, visit and engage in meaningful conversations about creativity. I know I am part of an artists community when I am shown the work of other artists and asked for my thoughts. These are rich places for me. Places I grow and thrive.
To be cursed with an artists vision is to know that much remain unresolved, unfinished and in need of expression. The desire to express, to create is a must. The blessings come when we can create in a manner that fulfills that desire. A painting where I can capture the inner spirit of the scene or a photographer where I find something new in the ordinary. These are blessings because for a short while I am at peace. At least unitl the next moment presents itself for expression.
Too often a blessing or a curse feels like something we have no control over, something that happens to us rather than because of us. The Sweater Curse takes this situation to the very edge, where we lose our sense of personal power and ability to decide our behaviour. I won't tell you anymore. A thriller is too easy to spoil in the telling. As an artist I must create and express my feelings, ideas and thoughts--to not would be to be only half living. The action and choice on how I create is my point of personal power and insight. May you create with the abundance of your full creative power and be blessed with an artist community of your own.
Leanne, thank you for inviting me into your creative community. I am honoured. May your readers be inspired to buy your soon-to-be published thriller The Sweater Curse.