Many things can go wrong with a manuscript. It's a miracle really when you reach the end.
photo by ldyck
The End
She holds a stack of paper--the collection of a year's worth of work. "Would you like to read it?"
I remember hearing the clicking of keys, all those late nights, I can't say no.
She hands me her manuscript and just stands there waiting.
"I will," I tell her, "just not right now and not in front of you."
She gives me an understanding smile.
I do find the time. I flip the title page over and begin--. But...?Flipping through the stack of paper all I find are two words repeating and repeating--The End.
Next Sunday...
December 13
at approximately PM PT
Julia Nobel
is a mystery for readers of middle grade ficion
The mystery is like a frayed thread the more she pulls on it the longer it gets.
photo by Terrill Welch
Wednesday, December 9
Virtual Author Reading
Blue Christmas (humour)
by Leanne Dyck
Christmas from Mrs. Clause's point-of-view
Sharing my author journey...
Have you heard? Audible has made a collection of audiobooks free to enjoy.
included my review of MASH in their collection of articles--and included a link to this blog.
word count: 17,629 words
goal: 40,000+
I love to (just a second, my husband is telling me something)...
What I was trying to say is that writing fills me, writing fulfills me and I wish I could-- (now it's time to start making supper...)
Sometimes I dream of building a cabin on a high mountain and... Just me and my computer, pens, and paper--forever. Heaven.
Anne R Allen wrote an article for her blog that really made me thankful for all of my life's interruptions.