In memory of the gone
but not forgotten
(It snowed on Dec. 5 and it melted on Dec.10)
Short version...
The writer notices literary journal
The writer dreams of seeing her story in the literary journal
The writer sends one of her stories to the literary journal
The writer receives an encouraging rejection letter
The writer is inspired
The writer writes
With fingers crossed, the writer sends another story to the literary journal
Long version...
Last July, I sent seven short stories to a list of literary journals. I waited a couple of months and then the rejection letters trickled in. Far from feeling depressed, I was inspired to write.
1)Experience has taught me that sometimes it's the story--it needs revising. But sometimes it's the literary journal--it's not the right fit.
2)I received two personalized rejection letters.
'While we are unable to accept (name of short story) for publication, we would like to see more of your work...less than 2% (of the stories they receive) are accepted for publication...Your work was almost there.'
'Although we will not be accepting your work at this time, I wish you best of luck with future submissions'
They want more and that's exactly what I plan to send them.
3)It is extremely and increasingly difficult for aspiring writers to get published or make careers for themselves. Don’t waste time despairing this reality. Write and rewrite and when you’ve got something polished try your best to find a home for it. Don’t feel that there is something wrong with you if that journey takes longer than you’d hoped, or takes some ugly twists and turns. You must determine to write regardless of what external forces work against you, or in your favour. You must just write. If you write enough, and you write well, you will write your own way forward. --Elizabeth Ruth (Read her complete interview here)
I'm also entering contests. I enjoy entering the Women On Writing quarterly flash fiction contests. For the low price of twenty dollars not only can you enter their contest but you also receive an invaluable, detailed critique.
I wrote that I entered but it really wasn't that easy. I needed help to achieve that goal. Thankfully Angela was there to help. I'd like to thank her and the WOW staff.
Now I like to showcase one of my favourite poets, husband, Byron.
In my yard a garden grows
So sad that now the pond is froze
The days grow shorter and grey darkens
The winds do howl and winter harkens
I grow weary waiting for the sun to shine
And long for when it is not winter time
In my yard a garden grows
A work in progress yet it shows
'Tis not a one of shrubs and flowers
Instead a work of stones and rock towers
Water cascades down the sculpted hill
And sand in patterned rows lies still
I await the spring when roses grow
And flora blush full and waters flow
The stones piled high amid rocks grown tall
Soothed again by sounds of water all
To sit and reap in tranquil harmony
Nature's blessing of my quaint rock quarry
-Byron Dyck
The writer receives an encouraging rejection letter
The writer is inspired
The writer writes
With fingers crossed, the writer sends another story to the literary journal
Long version...
Last July, I sent seven short stories to a list of literary journals. I waited a couple of months and then the rejection letters trickled in. Far from feeling depressed, I was inspired to write.
1)Experience has taught me that sometimes it's the story--it needs revising. But sometimes it's the literary journal--it's not the right fit.
2)I received two personalized rejection letters.
'While we are unable to accept (name of short story) for publication, we would like to see more of your work...less than 2% (of the stories they receive) are accepted for publication...Your work was almost there.'
'Although we will not be accepting your work at this time, I wish you best of luck with future submissions'
They want more and that's exactly what I plan to send them.
3)It is extremely and increasingly difficult for aspiring writers to get published or make careers for themselves. Don’t waste time despairing this reality. Write and rewrite and when you’ve got something polished try your best to find a home for it. Don’t feel that there is something wrong with you if that journey takes longer than you’d hoped, or takes some ugly twists and turns. You must determine to write regardless of what external forces work against you, or in your favour. You must just write. If you write enough, and you write well, you will write your own way forward. --Elizabeth Ruth (Read her complete interview here)
I'm also entering contests. I enjoy entering the Women On Writing quarterly flash fiction contests. For the low price of twenty dollars not only can you enter their contest but you also receive an invaluable, detailed critique.
I wrote that I entered but it really wasn't that easy. I needed help to achieve that goal. Thankfully Angela was there to help. I'd like to thank her and the WOW staff.
Now I like to showcase one of my favourite poets,
In my yard a garden grows
So sad that now the pond is froze
The days grow shorter and grey darkens
The winds do howl and winter harkens
I grow weary waiting for the sun to shine
And long for when it is not winter time
In my yard a garden grows
A work in progress yet it shows
'Tis not a one of shrubs and flowers
Instead a work of stones and rock towers
Water cascades down the sculpted hill
And sand in patterned rows lies still
I await the spring when roses grow
And flora blush full and waters flow
The stones piled high amid rocks grown tall
Soothed again by sounds of water all
To sit and reap in tranquil harmony
Nature's blessing of my quaint rock quarry
-Byron Dyck