Friday, August 31, 2012

Will You Be My Guest

Update:  Due to the demands of my writing life, I've been forced to discontinue publishing guest posts. However, you can still read the guest posts I have published by clicking this link I look forward to connecting with you on Google Plus, Twitter (lustful graces), Facebook (author leanne dyck) and through this blog.

Since this blog was created on October 10, 2010 it has celebrated your creativity. One way I've done this is through--what has come to be known as--Guest Post Friday. I continue to be delight by how generous my guests are. Authors have shared their journey--and through their words I've gained inspiration and encouragement. Knitwear designers have shared their journey--and to my delight offered eye candy (photos of their designs). Please revisit these guest post by scrolling on over to my Guest Post page.
I look forward to continuing to host interesting and talented artists. Maybe you'd like to pay a visit?
Here's your invitation...

Thank you for your interest in being a guest on my blog.
Here are the author questions (I have other questions for knitwear designers, and would be happy to send them to you)

How/why did you start to write?
How did you become an author?
What was your first published piece?
Where was it published?
How long ago?
What did you do before embarking on your writing career? Was it an asset to your writing? How?
What inspires you?
Please share one of your successful marketing techniques
Parting words

These questions are only meant for inspiration. Please feel free to add, delete or change as serves your needs. You are, of course, welcome to write a guest post instead.

Along with your post, please also send...

Author links (website, twitter, facebook, etc.)
Book info (book cover jpg, blurb, buy links, etc.)
Author photo

Guests posts are featured on a first come, first serve basis. My next available spot is November 9th. To obtain this spot, please send your post as soon as conveniently possible.
I'm looking forward to receiving your post.
Please send your email to:
Thank you,
Monday:  Knitting:  a review