My mother, but only after I begged for months! She was a crocheter through and through, but she taught me to cast on, knit and purl. I taught myself the rest!
What knitting method do you use? Continental or English?
I started out English, but then one day I just started knitting Continental without thinking about it. I'm sure it was because I was so used to crocheting with the yarn in my left hand. I haven't gone back to English. : )
What is your favourite stitch pattern?
Hmmmmm. That's a tough one! I think it would have to be the many variations of Print o' the Wave, a Shetland lace pattern.
Why did you become a knitwear designer?
At first, I did it to promote my shawl pins! Then I realized how much I really enjoy it and it took on a life of its own. : )

My first pattern is called Toque. Yo! It's a hat I made using the stitch patterns and leftover yarn from Hanne Falkenberg's Tokyo kit. It was rejected by Knitty, but I self published it at a later date. My first published pattern was Venezia, beaded wire napkin rings.
Where did it appear? On your website? In a magazine? Ezine?
Venezia appeared in Knitty.
Are you a member of a knitwear designer association? Why? Why not?
No, I'm not. There's no real reason, I suppose, other than I've never taken the time to find out about them! (I guess I should do that, eh?)
Do you attend fibre festivals? Why? Why not?
I always go to Stitches West, but that's about it. In California, we're so far from everything that the travel time and expense is prohibitive. There's no driving in just for the day! I have two young-ish kids and I really try not to stress my husband out too much by traveling around incessantly. It's difficult to function when your partner is MIA!
Have you taught knitting classes? Where? When?
Yes--I've taught at some yarn stores and at Yarnover in Minnesota, a fun one day festival. I really enjoy it!
What inspires your designs?
What doesn't inspire my designs?! : ) Everything I see, hear and experience inspires me. It doesn't hurt that I live in one of the most beautiful places EVER!
What are you currently working on?
I'm finishing up a toy design and working on three more shawls for my 7 Small Shawls eBook. They need to be finished by the end of the year!
What is the most rewarding aspect about being a knitwear designer? Challenging?
Creating something that people love to knit is a fabulous feeling! I think self doubt is the most challenging. Every time a design goes out, it's a part of me, and I'm hoping that I wasn't fooling myself into thinking it looks good!
Please share knitting/design advice.
My advice? Find your style and what you really like doing and then stick with it.