Sunday, June 21, 2020

Book Review: Crow Winter by Karen McBride

Recent university graduate Hazel Ellis is grieving the loss of her father. To cope, she moves from Ottawa back to Spirit Bear Point First Nation reserve and rediscovers Algonquin spirituality.
'The reserve exists outside the boundaries of regular time.' (p. 80)

Published by HarperAvenue
an imprint of HarperCollins Publishers Ltd.
Published in 2019

What attracted me to this book? 

A devoted listener of The Next Chapter on CBC radio, I heard Shelagh Rogers interview Karen McBride and I thought, I've got to learn more about that book. I typed Crow Winter into a search engine, read an excerpt and was hooked. I bought the book at an independent bookstore--Tanner's Books on Vancouver Island.

My Review

Reviewing Crow Winter is a heavy weight because it is so rich with many layers

-how to heal from grief


-the importance of culture--ethnic and familial


-an introduction to Algonquin culture--including a glossary of Algonquin words


-comments on settlers' exploitation of reserve land


-an introduction to life on a reserve


-the importance of nature and why we must do our part to protect and heal it


All of these layers are piled up in an unputdownable read. I walked into the world Karen McBride created and didn't want to leave. The imaginary was just so beautiful. I felt this story.

And on top of all of that there's an intriguing mystery. In fact, there are two. One is solved. And the other... How involved is Hazel's mother Nora in Hazel's relationship with Nanabush? 

Oh and also...

Well, I could go on and on and still not feel like I did justice to this book. You'll just have to read Crow Winter

'Gifts of sunshine from my neighbour's garden' photo by ldyck

Sharing my author journey...

A few days ago--Wednesday, June 17--I re-wrote this short story (originally written in December 2005) and because it's about you I wanted to share it with you...

What This Blog Means to Me

Before I started this blog, I would attack my hubby saying, "Listen to what I just wrote..."

He tried to stop me, but I'm determined--his protesting fell on deaf ears. He tried to escape, but I cornered him--easy prey. 

Finishing my reading, I encouraged his comments with, "Isn't it amazing? Isn't it wonderful?"

After every writing spree, I assaulted him with my story. Until... I started this blog and began receiving positive comments from you. I shared these comments with my hubby, and you should have seen the joy--freedom, sweet, freedom.

I thank hubby thanks you...please keep reading. 

This is not to say that my hubby doesn't read my writing. It's just that now he gets to choose when and if--which is a right every reader should have.