Thursday, April 25, 2013

How I cope with the doubts by Leanne Dyck

Sarah Callender wrote this excellent article Getting Comfy with the Discomfort for the Writer Unboxed blog. At the end of the article, Sarah asked, How do you cope with times of doubt, with The Doubts and their very loud parties?
How do I?
Well, I was inspired. And started to write a reply. It didn't take me long to realize that what I was writing was too big to be a comment. It was, in fact, this post...

How I cope with the doubts

What helps me is knowing that the only person who can end my writing career is me. As long as I keep reaching for my goal I will obtain it.

What helps me is knowing that my future success will be worth the wait. I know I will succeed so what I'm experiencing is the build-up to the amazing climax.

What helps me is knowing that I need to develop, I need to mature before I experience life-changing success. Waiting time helps me gain insight into how I will cope with the change.

What helps me is knowing that the Doubters are no match for me. Throughout my life, I've had to work hard to overcome obstacles. So I know when I set my mind on a goal I can obtain it. It's only a matter of time...