Secure Footing in a Changing Literary Landscape
Professional Development Symposium for Writers in All Phases of Their Careers
The Presenters
Kelly Duffin
There was a lot of information shared at a good tempo. I'll share what I caught with you...
-The publishing industry is changing. Some writers view it as a frightening time, and others view it as a brave new world--both views presented by the presenters. We--the participants--were encouraged to keep an open mind and do our own research.
The presenters noticed some overall trends
-manuscripts are expected to be in a more "reader-ready" state.
-authors must develop a multi-media platform to attract a publisher and, or further their careers.
-royalties are shrinking
-self-publishing is now mainstream
-literary agents are now working with small presses
-in the U.S., literary agents are working with self-published authors
-in the U.S., the sales of books are up 8%
-in Canada, the sale of hardcover and coffee table books is down. All other books are stable
-in Canada, we are losing 50 bookstores a year
-the industry standard for author share of ebooks is 25%. The Writers' Union of Canada suggests authors request 30-35%
-Ebooks will eventually overtake print in sales
-Bill C32 was discussed. The goal of most copyright laws is to protect the rights of the artist. C32 protects the rights of the user. If there is no upcoming election, the prediction is that parliament will adopt C32. (I say, "Let's have an election.")
My assignment for this event was to make three social contacts.
"How did you do?" You ask.
Well, immediately upon arriving, I introduced my self to one of the presenters. (one-check). I joined a table with five other writers and introduced myself to each (five-check). And introduced myself to approximately three other authors including...
Canadian icon and humourist Arthur Black
So, yes, I passed with flying colours. : )
(...and you know--this is a secret--it wasn't that, tell no one.)