Sunday, December 2, 2018

Sharon's Secret (short story) by Leanne Dyck

photo by ldyck

I went to university with a woman named Sharon. Sharon had an amazing work ethic. If we were asked to do one thing, Sharon always did one thing more--always. She outshone us all. I--and I'm sure I wasn't alone--wondered why she pushed herself so hard. Our course load was heavy enough without any additional pressure--it was a two-year course crammed into eighteen months. Never-the-less, Sharon continued to excel--charged by a never depleting battery. When we graduated, we all crossed our fingers and hoped we would get a job. We all did--except Sharon. Employers pursued her. They crossed their fingers and hoped she would pick them. 

When I choose writing as my career, I followed Sharon's example. And I think I may have learned Sharon's secret. When the rest of us were begrudging the effort we had to put in to make it through the course, I think Sharon fell in love with the struggle.

Next post...

Sunday, December 9 
5 PM PT (approximately)
Book Review:  The Birth House by Ami McKay
Set in Canada's east coast, The Birth House chronicles the life of Dora Rae. Dora comes of age, tagging after her brothers, during the First World War...

Sharing my author journey...

November in writing

I wrote (just a sec) five picture books manuscripts in November. Now my attention has turned to putting the finishing touches on my longer work. Fun stuff.