Sunday, March 1, 2015

My Twitter Strategy by Leanne Dyck

This post was inspired by Annie Neugebauer's article The Great Twitter Debate:  Should You Follow Back?

(rock art by Byron Dyck)

When I joined Twitter, I followed everyone who followed me. I thought I was obligated. If Twitter suggested that I follow someone, I did. If someone followed me, I followed them. Automatically. Without question.

Until a fellow author helped me to see the error of my ways. She explained that Twitter's suggestions are based on who I follow. If I’m following every Tom, Dick, and Harriett, there won't be any rhyme or reason for the Twitter suggestions. If, however, I’m more selective in who I follow, Twitter will be more selective with their suggestions. For example, I'm interested in building my author career. So I'm interested in following authors, publishers, and literary agents who are interested in the genres I write.

By using strategy, I've uncovered new venues to send my writing and I've found inspiring authors to follow.

(planted by Leanne Dyck)


Engagement is a better metric of success on social media than sheer number of followers. How much of your contest is being shared and read?

Twitter strategies need to focus on building your brand, which requires you to look at each aspect of your interactions on Twitter as a brand-building activity.

Here are Kevan Lee's 14 Twitter tips 

Next Monday:  What I learnt form a panel discussion on writing for children.

Sharing my author journey...

I'm in the midst of self-editing a manuscript. Writing this manuscript has taught me a lot. Self-editing continues to offer me opportunities to grow. Case-in-point, handling sentences with 'so'.
Do you write?
I found a great book. So I started reading it.
I found a great book so I started reading it.
I found a great book; so I started reading it.