Friday, December 19, 2014

My Magic Meadow by Gail Woodward

i envision a meadow where i can find calm and peace
where i can experience inclusion of all 
where forgiveness and understanding prevail
where the earth creates a sanctuary of healing
where i hear  the wisdom of fairies when i listen from my heart

i hear a whisper

Magic is inner power
and as i listen i follow the fairy with delight

she leads me to a labyrinth in the middle of the meadow
where she continues with
Magic comes from the heart
And creates a Lighthearted Life
Be Lighthearted
Live from perfection 
And enjoy your Mistakes!

Photo by Leanne Dyck

as i willingly follow the fairy
 she teaches me to begin walking the labyrinth with a pace of LOVE 
and to become aware that the labyrinth is offering the gift of LIGHT

Photo by Crystal Favel

i hear a whisper

Magic reflects on others
And creates a Responsible Life
Take responsibility
Let your Light shine through your heart 
And feel the glow

 a flow of Light is created 
from the earth
and i somehow become aware that the purpose of walking this labyrinth
is to mend the wounded human through their feet 
as transformation is the magic in each step

i hear a whisper

Magic is in each movement
And creates a Wisdom so simple
Breathe with Spirit
and Twirl in Circles!

Photo by Crystal Favel

as we are walking  into the centre of the labyrinth
it feels like i am walking into the magic of self transformation
walking into the centre of interconnection

with self
with each other
with community
with the world
with the universe

i hear a whisper

Magic is present in all
And creates an Interconnection of Awe...
Honour and Nurture Yourself and Others
Laugh and Cry
Listen and Connect
Just BE you

Photo by Crystal Favel

i feel the flow of LIGHT that is unseen
with human eyes
seep up through the earth
with each step i am creating LOVE to share as i return to my life
in this moment i realize that each step in life can become our strength
and with each step we can expand this healing LIGHT
walking upon the earth in a New Way

i hear a whisper

Magic flows in the beauty of GAIA
And creates a playground of learning
Share in the beauty of others
SEE the beauty of GAIA
Enjoy your experiences!

now i KNOW that those who walk in these lighted footsteps
 are healed
and forever changed within their very soul
together we expand this healing light by sharing our footsteps with the earth

and thus with others who walk upon our footprints