Ripped right out of my email inbox...
Extra, extra, read all about it:
GISS Improv is coming to Mayne & Pender for a workshop performance tour! Thursday, March 15 Mayne Island AG Hall & Friday, March 16 Pender Island upstairs at the Community Hall. Workshops at 2:30 and shows at 7:30. The shows are $10 and the workshops are by donation. Tickets at the door.
GISS improv has earned a berth in the national tournament of the Canadian Improv Games in Ottawa. This is exciting news as these 8 improvisors get to represent the Gulf Islands among the twenty best improv teams in the country at our National Arts Centre. However, to make this happen we have to raise 12 thousand dollars in three weeks. Part of this plan is to do an all ages workshop on Mayne Island on March 15 and on Pender Island on March 16 (Workshops are 2:30 PM and admission is by donation). Then in the evenings (7:30 PM) we will be having a show. These events promise to be a side-splitting good time that will leave you filled with memories of great stories, great characters and jaw dropping moments of discovery.
Tell your friends and come on down to have some fun, learn about improv and watch some great scenes.
See you out there,
Jason Donaldson
Gulf Islands School of Performing Arts
On this blog, neurodivergent (dyslexic) author Leanne (Willetts) Dyck ("dihck") publishes her short play--Lean on a Gulf Islander--about remote island life. She is writing (picture books and young middle grade novels) for children, (memoirs and upmarket fiction) for adults, and knitting pattern books for children and adults. Thank you for visiting and sharing this blog. Your support is greatly appreciated.
Tuesday, March 13, 2012
Improv workshop and performance on Thursday evening
Location: Mayne Island, BC
Mayne Island, British Columbia, Canada