Thursday, October 17, 2013

Marketing Tips for authors by Leanne Dyck

As a knitwear designer, from 2002 to 2010, I sold my patterns to knitters who live in Canada, the U.S.A., the U.K., Australia and Israel.

As a self-published author, I sold my books to readers and bookstore owners. This experience has been invaluable. I call on it as I plan my marketing strategies. Someday, a publisher will accept my manuscripts. When that day comes, I will be ready. Thanks to this experience, I will be a key player in marketing my books.

Today I'd like to share some of what I've learnt.

Marketing can be used to achieve two goals:  selling a product or service and building a brand.

Experience has taught me that the best way to sell books is through direct sells.

-cold calls to bookstores
-book launch
-book readings
-other book-related events

As an author, my brand is my name.

Through my blog, I have the potential to reach a global community. For example, visitors to this blog come from Canada, the United States, Singapore, Germany, and France (the top five countries, all time--according to my blog's stats page)

When a potential reader types your name into a search engine what website is listed first?

Hopefully yours.

Type Leanne Dyck into a search engine. Stand back. What happens? 

Here are my top three marketing tips to help you build your brand.

Tip number one...
Visit popular blogs
Leave comments
If readers like your comment, they'll click on the link and follow you to your blog.

Tip number two...
Your author name should be the first thing readers see when they visit your blog (thank you, Kristen Lamb for sharing this tip). This will get your name in front of potential readers. The more popular your blog becomes the stronger your presence will be online.

Tip number three...
Include your blog address on your business card and add live links to them on your email signature. This will make it easier for others to find you online.

Other tips from other authors...

(Don't be fooled, traditional published authors can use this advice as well.)

The Book Designer wrote an article on Marketing Your Book
He advises authors to focus 'on how they will market the book before they write it.'
I did this when I wrote my first mystery. I wrote it, mainly, for a local readership. And it became a Mayne Island best seller.

Am I saying that you should do all of these marketing activities? 


Pick a few that interest you. As Pam Perry recommends, choose the inexpensive ones first.

I'd also recommend that you choose the ones that fall within your comfort zone. If you're shy, why not enlist the help of an extrovert friend.