Sunday, April 26, 2020

22 Poetry Book Publishers by Leanne Dyck

I scoured the Literary Press Group of Canada list of member publishers to find those publishers who publish poetry books. Good news:  I found 22. I'll write that number again twenty-two. So, my dear brave reader, search this list for your best fit and then send them your poetry collection. Some of these publishers only accept submissions from Canadians. Others are open to a wider population of poets. Carefully read the submission guidelines.

photo by ldyck

Click on the publisher's name and the link will take you to their submission guidelines page.

At Bay Press


Book Hug Press

BookLand Press

Breakwater Books

Caitlin Press

Coach House Books

ECW Press

Icehouse Poetry
poetry imprint of Goose Lane Editions

Guernica Editions
Accepts manuscript from January 1 to April 30

Inanna Publications
independent feminist press

Mansfield Press

Mawenzi House

NeWest Press

Nightwood Editions

Palimpsest Press
accepts submission January to March

Pedlar Press

Radiant Press

Ronsdale Press

The Porcupines Quill
Once on the page, stroll down to find the submission guidelines

The Muses' Company
poetry imprint of J. Gordon Shillingford Publish

Turnstone Press


But at the time of cvoid 19, is it the right time to be submitting? Here's an interesting article that addresses this concern...

Though this article was written with agents in mind, I think it is pertinent for us self-represented authors, as well.

On this blog in May...

photo by ldyck

May is short story month and so...

I will publish two book reviews

May 3
Oh, My Darling
Shaena Lambert
a short story collection

May 31
Ethan Frome
Edith Wharton
a novella

I will share two short stories

May 10 (Mother's Day)
For Mom
two short stories inspired by my mom

May 24
This short story was inspired by cvoid 19. Writing is one of the ways I deal with stress. 


on May 17 something very special
Short Stories:  A Writer's Toolbox
I've filled this toolbox with articles to make writing and publishing short stories easier.

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What makes me smile?

Neighbours helping neighbours.

Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Inspiration by Leanne Dyck

I've been taking a lot of pictures this spring--my technique:  point and shot. And all week I've been weighing whether or not to share them with you today. This is a writing blog, after all. And I'm not a 'photographer'. Then I realized that being in nature not only inspires me but also gives me comfort. Solace. Don't we all need more of that lately? So... I hope you enjoy these snapshots of my writing muses.

Sunday, April 19, 2020

18 Poetry Magazines (list) by Leanne Dyck

Looking for a publisher for your poem? Look no further than this list. Below is a list of magazines that publish poetry. Select one and send them your poem...

Click on the magazine's title and the link will take to you the submission guidelines page.

photo by ldyck

18 Poetry Magazines

The Antigonish Review

Arc Poetry magazine

Canadian Stories

Contemporary Verse 2:  The Canadian Journal of Poetry and Critical Writing

Filling Station magazine

Geist magazine

Grain magazine

Current submission period from September 15, 2019 to May 15, 2020

Island Writer magazine

Icelandic Connection magazine

'by and/or about Canadians and Americans from or relating to the Icelandic-North American cultural community'

The Malahat Review

Poetry Contest:  Far Horizons Award for Poetry 
Deadline:  May 1

Prairie Fire:  A Canadian magazine of new writing

Prism International

Ricepaper magazine

'Asian writers of all cultural backgrounds are encouraged to submit.'

Room magazine

'by women (cisgender and transgender), transgender men, Two-Spirit and nonbinary people'

Poetry Contest
Deadline:  June, 2020

The Fiddlehead magazine

The Windsor Review


League of Canadian Poets

League of Canadian Poets:  Resources

The Griffin Trust for Excellence in Poetry:  Resources

Poetry Slam

How to Publish a Poetry Book (YouTube video)

Constructing Chapbooks (YouTube video)

Next Sunday evening


photo by ldyck

Poetry Book Publishers

Next Sunday the fun continues with a list of 33 publishers are interested in publishing poetry collections.

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Found on a walk...

'face in a tree' photo by ldyck

And this short story flew into my ear...

Sunday, April 12, 2020

Be Gentle by Leanne Dyck (short story)

How do you express strength?

photo by ldyck

Be Gentle

We sat around the supper table and before Mom passed the potatoes, we said our prayer to God. When I unfolded my hands, unbowed my head, and opened my eyes, Dad held me in his stern gaze, "Remember, Penny, be nice, be kind, be gentle."

Each night, after my prayers, I recited, "Be nice, be kind, be gentle."

Each morning, before I opened my eyes, "Be nice, be kind, be gentle."

But, at school, she waited for me in the girls' washroom. She stood hidden from the teachers on the other side of the door. "Where do you think you're going?" She demanded. "You. You can pee in your pants."

"Please," I begged.

"No." Hard. "Unless..." Softer. 

My need grew.

She held out her hand. "A quarter."

I gave her money day after day after--. Be nice, be kind, be--.

I closed my eyes. And it was there. I could no longer contain it. The bully was pushed to the floor. Blood dripped from her nose. After that day the washroom was always free.

I walked home from school every day. He waited for me maybe behind a tree, maybe... It doesn't matter. Wherever. All that is important was that he was suddenly there. He and I were alone. Was school... Was home... Was life hard for him? He took it out on me. He threw my school books in the bushes, my pencil case in the ditch. Day after day after--. Be nice, be kind, be--. I could no longer contain it. The bully got scared and ran away. He never waited for me after that day. 

But at home, Dad looked at me with such disappointment. "Be nice. Be kind," he said with sad eyes. "Be gentle."

I knew he knew what I'd done. I knew word had spread.

"Why!" It wasn't a question. It was an accusation. "I tried to teach you a better way, but you didn't listen. Strength. Real strength isn't in letting it out. It's in finding a peaceful solution to your problems." He held me in his arms. "And now we  have no other choice," he told me. "We have to move. We have to start all over again somewhere else."

It was my fault. I'd been weak. I'd let it out.

If we'd stayed they would have come for us with torches, with pitchforks. And so we fled. We were monsters; we had no choice. 

I wrote this story too early on Tuesday, January 28. It was inspired by thoughts of Easter.


Book suggestion:  

Edited by Derek Newman-Stille

Pays homage to Mary Shelley's Frankenstein (Modern Prometheus)

Next Sunday evening...

photo by ldyck

19 Poetry Publishers--Magazines

A list of 19 magazines that publish poetry

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Sharing my author journey...

Out on a walk with Abby and this popped into my head...

Sunday, April 5, 2020

Time and other Poems by Leanne Dyck

After reading Leaving Now, I asked author Arleen Pare, "You write such lovely prose. What's your secret?"

She said, "I also write poetry." And she encouraged me to try.

Yeah, right? Me? I can't...

I don't know if I will ever be comfortable calling myself a poet--but I have written some poems.

photo by ldyck

I've assembled a collection of my best poems. And if you click the titles the link will take you to the poem. Happy reading. 

Leanne Dyck's Poetry Collection

Byron did

And a new one...


I was waiting for the bus 
when he asked, "Do you have the time?"

When we're young we have all the time in the world--
storytime, playtime, snack time, nap time

We grow older and we get busy.
We no longer have time.
We must make time.

If we grow too old, we have too much time on our hands.
But we never know when our time is up.

Time, invest it wisely
for we can't stop it or turn it back.

He asked, "Do you have the time?"

He glanced at my watch. 
The sound of the approaching bus made him grin. 
"Right on time," he said.

Next Sunday Evening...

Be Gentle (short story)
 Leanne Dyck

How do you express strength?

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Sharing my author journey...

'Abby offering a kiss to her friend Reba'
photo by ldyck

An extra poem...