Thursday, July 26, 2012

selling short stories

When you visit my farmers' market booth you'll see a collection of coffee mug cozies. These handy cozies keep your coffee (hot chocolate/hot water) warm while you sip. Tucked into the pocket is a short story I've penned. These stories are written in a variety of genres and have been inspired by Mayne Island, Icelandic folklore, my writing life and my spiritual relationship with nature. Which one will you choose?
I'm very appreciative to those people who have purchased my stories. If you have, thank you and I hope you enjoyed your read.

(August 7:  News regarding these short stories:  They are now available on Saltspring Island at ArtCraft--in Mahon Hall. )
Oh, yes and my correspondence courses arrived on Friday. : )
Another beautiful poem by Manolis
Find it here

This week circumstances stood in the way of my spending time with my muse.  I didn't choose this separation and so was annoyed by it. However, at times like these it is helpful to remind myself that I'm not writing for sped--I'm writing for quality. Spending this time away from my pen allowed me to resolve plot issues and develop more well rounded characters.
Word count: 19, 737 words
Next post:  Please welcome Author Tamara Linse