Friday: Art Show at the library...
(jazz music)
(Everyone starts to gather for the author readings)
(Emcee: Bill Maylone)
(Amber Harvey read from her children's mystery: Mayne Island Skeletons.
Photo from Amber's website)
(Edward Gale read a poem)
(Tina Farmilo read a creative non-fiction short story)
(classical guitar)
(Arriving home, I realized I didn't have a photo of me. So, I kept my dress on, grabbed the short story and asked my husband to capture my image.)
Saturday: Farmers' Market...
(Last week I turned the camera lens in on the booth. This time I turned the lens out...)
Also Saturday: the Church Fair
(plant sale)
(book sale--oh, yes, I did purchase an arm load)
(the popular bottle booth)
(Joyce Kallweit with her...)
(Emcee: Derek Athea)
(silent auction--careful don't get too close, it's wild down there)
(miniature donkey and horse--adorable but a little camera shy)
Oh, yes and...
Last Monday I spoke proudly of my mother-in-law and casually mentioned her spouse and sons. I told you that these "men folk" were musical. Today I'd like to do a little more than mention it. I would like to invite you to visit my husband's facebook page. He's been sharing his music-- he plays guitar. And I'm so proud of him I could burst--and I think I just have, all over you. : )