Sunday, January 19, 2025

Studying Poetry (a poem) by Leanne Dyck

I was introduced to poetry, as many of you were, in grade school. Later, I matriculated and a professor furthered my studying on the subject. Those two experiences were remarkably different. How? Well...

photo by ldyck

 Studying Poetry

The first time I studied poetry

I was encouraged to


feel like a poet

I was rewarded with

Well done, Leanne


And I felt like

a genius

poetry was part of me

The second time I studied poetry

I was taught that


was a bug 

to be 


I was chastised with

Not that

The poet clearly didn't mean that

And I felt like

a foreigner in a strange land

clearly, I didn't get it

And so now

I've decided

not to study poetry

but simply

to enjoy it

written the morning of 11/18/2024

photo by Byron Dyck

Sunday, January 26
Making Giant Snowballs (children's story)
Making Giant Snowballs encourages children to show acceptance and kindness--especially to people who are different from themselves.