Sunday, October 29, 2023

Ghosted (short story) by Leanne Dyck

 I believe in ghosts. Here's why...

"A Halloween ghost story that makes you feel warm."


"Ghostly Mount Baker" photo by ldyck


In the mid-90s, when I was a newlywed, I decided to return to school while still working full-time. This decision meant I spent many hours alone in my study--slumped over textbooks. My studying was only occasionally interrupted by my husband.

One evening, as I was tangled up in a complex passage, I was surprised to feel a warm presence. My husband? I looked up and over at the door. He wasn't there. The presence remained.

Back to the text...

Something struck my eardrum. Listening closely, I heard, "Elsken..." My grandma Olafson? It couldn't be. She was three provinces away in a Manitoba nursing home. My mind was playing a trick on me.

Back to my studying...

"Elsken." My grandma was standing right behind me. "Don't worry." I felt her hand on my shoulder. "Everything will be okay."

The phone rang from the kitchen. "I'm so sorry," My husband's voice drifted down the hall and into my study. "No, it's okay, I'll tell her."

I heard his footsteps. "Leanne?" He entered the room. "Leanne, I have some bad news."

I fought through my tears. "Grandma passed away."

"Yes, but how did you..."

"She was here. She said goodbye."

November on this blog...

photo by ldyck

November begins with a book review and continues with a serialized story. 

Sunday, November 5

Girlfriend on Mars by Deborah Willis

Girlfriend on Mars is about space, reality TV, climate change anxiety, infidelity, grow ops, travel...

Girlfriend on Mars was on the Scotiabank Giller and I can't wait to tell you more about this book.

Sunday, November 12

"When Gwen Knits" (knitting-themed serialized story)

is when I begin and it continues for 15 Sundays until 

Sunday, February 18

"When Gwen Knits" was inspired by my career as a knitwear designer and I'm looking forward to sharing it with you. 

Important literary dates in November...

Wednesday, November 8

I Read Canadian Day


Monday, November 13


Sunday, November 26
