Sunday, October 13, 2019

20+ Book Reviewers (list) by Leanne Dyck

'Flowers in the Fall' photo by ldyck

Where are the must-read books? What book should you read next? Who will review my new book? These bloggers know...

Children's Literature

Andrea L. Mack
Children's books with tips for teachers and writers

book reviews and interviews

Celebrate Picture Books 

Helen Kubiw: Can Lit for Little Canadians

Fiction and non-fiction deemed to appeal to teen boys'
--and some MG

A Canadian teacher reviewing kidlit for your home or classroom library.

Games, books, activities, and ideas to get your kids reading!
by author Joyce Grant

Children's to Adult Literature

Ottawa Review of Books:  A Canadian Book Reviewer

A team of women readers who review a mix of genres.

Reviews:  mystery, speculative fiction, and Young Adult
DOES NOT REVIEW:  horror or racy romance
NO Arcs

Adult Literature

Breakeven Books

Books and Ladders (science fiction, fantasy and contemporary)

FictionFan's Book Review (fiction, crime, non-fiction)

The Review Universe

The Review Universe reviews the following: novel, mystery, non-fiction, historical fiction, thriller, short story, romance novel, biography, horror fantasy, poetry, philosophy
Himansu Singh Parihar is the founding member

photo by ldyck

Next Sunday evening on this blog...

The Craftsman (short story)
While in elementary school, a short story I wrote was published in my community's newspaper. The plot for The Craftsman was derived from that story.