On this blog, neurodivergent (dyslexic) author Leanne (Willetts) Dyck ("dihck") publishes her short stories for adults and children. She is writing (picture books and middle grade fiction) for children, (memoirs and upmarket fiction) for adults and knitting books. Thank you for visiting and sharing this blog. Your support is greatly appreciated.
Thursday, March 8, 2012
#International Woman's Day
As a woman and as a woman's fiction author, I want to celebrate the day.
So let's get this party started...
Helen Reddy sings I Am Woman
Nancy Sinatra sings These Boots Are Made For Walkin'
Sister Sledge & All Star sing We Are Family
Wow, that was empowering--and it brought back happy memories of jumping on the sofa, hair brush mic in hand. And, much later, dancing with my sisters at an ECE (early childcare educators) conference.
How will you celebrate?
-Remembering famous women
Bibliophilic Blather
I'll add a name to that list
Pauline Johnson
I meet her in university. I'll talk about her later this month.
To learn about other famous Canadian women, read 100 Canadian Heroines: Famous and Forgotten Faces by Merna Forster
-Pay tribute to the special women past and present in your life
Creativepotager's Blog
Here's a great way to end this post...
Women in rural, remote and northern communities key to Canada's economic prosperity says Status of Women Canada
Woot! Woot! Party!
Next post: Please welcome Author Manolis